What is the Leadership Circle Profile?
The Leadership Circle Profile is a one-of-a-kind 360-degree assessment that measures the current state of your leadership and provides you with a conceptual framework on how to improve it going forward. It’s an ideal tool for beginning leadership coaching or training programs for those seeking an evidence-based approach.
Why Take the Leadership Circle Profile Assessment?
If you are seeking an evidence-based approach to learning about your current leadership and developing a road map to becoming a stronger leader, I suggest that you consider taking the Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) assessment. This is a deeply personal and life-changing tool that will have a dramatic impact on your life and career.
Why the Leadership Circle Profile is Unique?
The Leadership Circle Profile measures your behavior patterns with 27 well-researched competencies associated with outstanding leadership. But the LCP goes deeper than this to identify the core beliefs that drive your behaviors. In essence, it probes your operating system that drives the way you think, respond, and act. This combination creates a profound learning experience about yourself and can be the impetus for significant transformational shifts in your personal and professional lives. No other leadership assessment tool offers this depth in such a coherent way.
The LCP displays your assessment results in an ingenious circular format that helps you interpret the data in a highly visual and conceptual manner. This format allows you to quickly decipher the assessment results and put them to good use. It also helps you personalize the feedback data, gauge your strengths and improvement areas, and develop a road map to target your future growth as a leader.
The Golden 90 Minutes for Transformational Change
All LCP assessments include a 90-minute debrief session with a Certified Leadership Circle Profile Practitioner. This is important as the practitioner creates the sacred and non-judgmental space to examine and process the assessment results not just from an analytical lens, but also from an emotional level to help you create meaning from the information you receive. It may be the most important 90 minutes in your transformation change as a leader and set the stage for long-term and sustainable learning.
World-Wide Acceptance
The LCP is genuinely a world-class leadership assessment instrument widely used globally in local, national, and international organizations. Over 175,000 leaders have been assessed by the LCP system over the past 25 years and over 300 million data points have been collected on leadership during this time. It is prevalently used by large corporations, small businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.
Personalized Learning
The LCP system is designed for individualized leadership development and growth. It is not intended to measure a leader’s performance or capacity by an organization. Nor should the assessment results be shared with anyone except the person being assessed and a Certified Leadership Circle Profile Practitioner. It is a highly researched and well-conceived system that is solely designed to help the leader being assessed. The organization indirectly benefits from the LCP by having a more conscious leader.
An Ideal Tool for Coaching and Training
The LCP is also ideal for individuals seeking their own learning and development. It’s an invaluable tool to incorporate into a coaching relationship. It can be used to measure the client’s leadership baseline at the beginning of a coaching engagement, establish an individualized and data-driven leadership development plan, and monitor progress throughout the coaching process.
The Collective Leadership Assessment
If you are interested in scaling leadership in your organization, OrgForce also offers a collective leadership assessment tool that provides an evidence-based approach to measuring the leadership of a team of leaders in an organization. This instrument provides a profound opportunity for organizational learning and can serve as a platform for leadership growth and change within your organization.
Why Invest in Leadership Coaching?
The Leadership Circle Profile measures your behavior patterns with 27 well-researched competencies associated with outstanding leadership. But the LCP goes deeper than this to identify the core beliefs that drive your behaviors. In essence, it probes your operating system that drives the way you think, respond, and act. This combination creates a profound learning experience about yourself and can be the impetus for significant transformational shifts in your personal and professional lives. No other leadership assessment tool offers this depth in such a coherent way.
The LCP displays your assessment results in an ingenious circular format that helps you interpret the data in a highly visual and conceptual manner. This format allows you to quickly decipher the assessment results and put them to good use. It also helps you personalize the feedback data, gauge your strengths and improvement areas, and develop a road map to target your future growth as a leader.
Contact a Leadership Circle Profile Certified Practitioner
OrgForce Consulting is a Certified Leadership Circle Profile Practitioner and would be pleased to conduct Leadership Circle Profile assessments for individuals and organizations. We offer customized training and coaching programs incorporating LCP feedback results to help leaders optimize their leadership development and growth.
For more information on the Leadership Circle Profile website at https://leadershipcircle.com/en/products/leadership-circle-profile/.
You may sample the LCP assessment for free by taking your self-assessment at https://self-assessment.theleadershipcircle.com/en-US/registration.
For further information on OrgForce Consulting, please access our website at org-force.com. Feel free to contact me at dmiller@org-force.com or (301) 633-1684 to discuss how we can help you and your organization improve your leadership and performance.